Kassia Meador

December 2, 2023

It’s time to meet the most radiant force of surf elegance. From conquering competitions to entrepreneurship, she has been an unwavering trailblazer for women’s longboarding and surf culture as a whole. It is our absolute honor to introduce Kassia Meador!

Photography by the incredible Lia Turiano (@lturiano)


What part of California do you call home and have you always been there?

I was born and raised in the valley and grew up most of my life in Agoura Hills. From there it was just a short shot through the winding canyons to the beaches of Malibu that have my heart and felt like home. Since I was 15 I have been traveling the world as a professional surfer first and now hosting immersive surf retreats worldwide. As much as i love being on the road and traveling. California and Los Angeles in particular will always be my home as I haven't been anywhere as diverse and unique as this beautiful golden state.

What is your favorite part about living in California?

Its diversity in culture, nature and landscape are so very special and unique. And when the waves are good it can be world class.

We know that you are a brand owner and full blown surf advocate but what would you say is your favorite aspect of your work?

I really love witnessing people when they get their best wave ever. When that pure ecstatic joy overtakes someone it is such a wonderfully beautiful thing to witness.

Was It Difficult To Leave The Traditionally Sponsored Surfing To Start KASSIA+SURF Or Did It All Just Come To Fruition Naturally?

It was both as simple as a choice and also not easy. Being a professional surfer my whole life set me up for a lot of things but I had never ever dreamed of starting my own company. It's been an incredibly beautiful challenge and has pushed me beyond my limits giving me the opportunity to grow and evolve as a person into places I wouldn't have otherwise known.

What are your ideal conditions at your go-to surf spot in Southern California? If your go-to is a secret spot though, we understand.

First point Malibu is my favorite local break. It is a world class wave on a good day and a perfect south swell at 3-5 feet out of the S with light winds is the perfect recipe for best day ever surf.

What does the Los Angeles surf community mean to you?

Its home, this community is where I grew up and there are people here I have known for the 26 years I have been surfing that are some of my best friends and feel like family. Malibu is the kind of place where you show up and know everyone and it just feels like home.

What is your biggest motivator in creating surf community activities such as your retreats?

To grow the community feeling I have at home world wide and to give people an opportunity to experience that and continue to share and spread that. There is something so very special and unique about surfing and surf culture. It's something that when you start changes your life for the better and its just so wonderful to share that with others.

What's better, a long noseride or a barrel?

Comparing barrels and nose rides is like comparing mango and pineapple. They are both exotic fruits, perfectly delicious and rare in their own perfect way.

Dream surf destination?

The Mentawai Islands for me is the most magical surf destination

Which California Naturals product do you find most useful with your active beach lifestyle in mind?

I absolutely love the California Naturals - Body Moisturizer. I love how the scent is super light and fresh. It goes on smooth and moisturizes my skin in all the right ways. Surfing, and the high desert air of the Californias tends to dry my skin out leaving my skin craving moisture. I keep the Moisturizer in my car and with me at all times to keep my skin hydrated and feeling fresh.

What is one part of California that you are looking to visit for the first time?

To be honest I have really been to every part of California from the deserts to the mountains, to the sea's, hot springs I mean really everywhere. It's such a magical place to adventure and explore.

Follow Kassia @kassiasurf and be sure to check out her incredible brand too! From digital courses, to retreats, to wetsuits, and even wax, you name it, she’s got it. We love and appreciate you Kassia!